Fintech Trends to Watch

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Article Date
October 17, 2023

Over the past few months, the fintech sector has encountered various challenges, including the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank in April and the implementation of new consumer regulations such as the FCA's consumer duty in the UK.

Despite these challenges, the fintech industry has consistently demonstrated adaptability, responding promptly to shifting trends and meeting the evolving needs of both regulators and customers. As we enter the last quarter of 2023, this flexibility continues to be a driving force for the industry.

In this article, we explore several trends in the fintech world, shedding light on early-stage noteworthy startups that are playing a significant role in shaping the future of this sector.

KYB Solutions

KYB (Know Your Business) is a compliance process used by businesses to verify the identity of corporate clients. It involves due diligence on potential partners, ensuring regulatory compliance, enhancing security, and fostering trust in business relationships.

KYB solutions are becoming a significant trend in Fintech due to their vital role in strengthening anti-money laundering (AML) and counter-terrorism financing (CTF) measures. As global regulations tighten, financial institutions require more robust processes to verify the legitimacy of their business customers, driving the demand for efficient and automated KYB solutions. With the rise of fraud, such as fake Covid loan applications and deceptive Amazon businesses, KYB's importance is even more evident. The rapid growth of small companies adds to this significance. KYB becomes vital in accurately distinguishing legitimate from potentially fraudulent entities, preserving the financial system's integrity. These solutions not only enhance compliance but also facilitate smoother onboarding experiences, fostering trust between businesses and financial entities in an increasingly digital financial landscape.

This trend has given rise to innovative startups like Vespia, which harnesses AI to achieve an impressive 90% faster onboarding rate, taking just 27 seconds on average for profile verification. Rebi focuses on offering a service centered around reusable business identity, encompassing business identification verification and risk monitoring. Meanwhile, **Dotfile** is transforming compliance teams with its modern operating system, enabling the rapid approval of individual or business customers globally within 10 seconds and the creation of streamlined processes in mere minutes. Ondorse assists compliance, operations, and technical teams in effectively managing onboarding, risk assessment, and fraud management.

Revenue Operations

RevOps, short for Revenue Operations, harmonize sales, marketing, and customer success to ensure seamless collaboration.

The ascent of Revenue Operations solutions in Fintech is rooted in their capacity to consolidate and refine sales, marketing, and customer support functions. By offering a comprehensive overview of customer interactions and data, these solutions empower financial institutions to enrich customer experiences, foster growth, and enhance overall operational efficiency. Leveraging advanced analytics and automation tools within revenue operations solutions, firms can embrace data-driven choices, pinpoint fresh revenue prospects, and swiftly adapt to evolving market dynamics.

A tangible example of this trend is seen in Lative. **Lative** serves as a platform geared towards enhancing capacity planning and revenue efficiency for revenue teams that excel in performance. These teams aspire to streamline their capacity planning processes to optimize the potential for profitable sales expansion and to elevate the efficiency of revenue generation.

Cash Management Solutions

A cash management solution offers financial tools for efficient money handling, including cash analysis, liquidity management, fund transfers, payments, fraud prevention, and reconciliation. Its goal is wise money use and enhanced financial insight.

Cash management solutions have risen as a pivotal trend in Fintech due to their capacity to provide real-time visibility and control over financial transactions. In an era of digital commerce and remote work, businesses seek efficient ways to manage their liquidity, optimize cash flows, and mitigate risks. Fintech-driven cash management solutions offer advanced analytics, forecasting, and automation, enabling companies to make informed financial decisions, reduce idle capital, and ensure operational resilience in dynamic market conditions.

Turning our attention to notable startups in this sector, we highlight that **Payflows** presents a real-time cash insights platform that can seamlessly connect banks for informed decisions. Infinicash pioneers inventive treasury management for startups and SMEs, optimizing cash flows, automating tasks, and managing risks to fuel growth and efficiency. Palm is propelling the modernization of mid-market cash management through its integrated, plug-and-play platform, shaping the future of financial operations. Lastly, Round empowers businesses with yields of up to 4.80% APY on idle cash, devoid of minimum requirements or platform fees. Institutional-grade financial solutions enhance financial prospects by optimizing cash holdings.

Pricing Tools

Pricing tools help businesses in setting optimal prices. It can analyze data including costs, demand, competition, and behavior to determine ideal pricing.

The fintech industry has witnessed the emergence of pricing tool solutions as a critical trend. Companies like **Wingback** are at the forefront of this trend, revolutionizing SaaS monetization by enabling flexible feature pricing and utilizing usage data to identify growth opportunities and churn risks.

Hyperline makes B2B SaaS billing simple. It offers flexible, code-free subscription management that's both fast and enjoyable for your business teams. Lago offers a versatile and adaptable architecture that includes both self-hosted and cloud-based solutions. This architecture is designed to scale seamlessly and is modular, allowing effective metering and usage-based billing to be integrated at all stages of your organization's growth.

These solutions have gained prominence due to their ability to enhance revenue management and customer satisfaction. Firms leverage advanced pricing analytics and algorithms to dynamically set prices, responding to real-time market fluctuations. This enables them to personalize offerings, achieve a balance between profitability and attracting customers, and ultimately drive business growth and market competitiveness.

Operations Solutions

Finance operation solutions are tools for better business finance management, covering accounting, budgeting, cash flow, analysis, expenses, compliance, and payments.

Finance operation solutions have risen as a prominent fintech trend, driven by their capacity to streamline and enhance various financial processes including payments, reconciliation, and reporting. These solutions deliver efficiency, transparency, and reduced errors, appealing to businesses and consumers alike. As the financial industry seeks novel ways to bolster operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, the demand for finance operation solutions in Fintech has surged.

In this field, Formance specializes in an open-source ledger crafted for financial platforms, enabling streamlined tracking of personalized money flows within a scalable framework. This solution assures real-time payment monitoring, smooth integration, and dependability through a dual-entry ledger, while also facilitating the incorporation of new payment providers.

**Riddle** is another emerging startup, that focuses on optimizing e-commerce operations. Its services encompass the integration of payment and commerce elements, automatic streamlining of financial administrative tasks, and the facilitation of personalized payment transactions, all achieved through a unified and comprehensive system. Lastly, Gluetrail facilitates Simplified Approvals, Enhanced Business Momentum & Oversight. By optimizing your approval workflows and orchestrating automated tasks throughout your various systems, Gluetrail unleashes operational efficiency.

Embedded Financing

Embedded finance lets companies offer direct financial services to customers without traditional banks.

Embedded finance solutions have emerged as a significant trend in Fintech due to their ability to seamlessly integrate financial services into non-financial platforms, offering enhanced convenience and value to consumers. This trend is driven by the growing demand for frictionless transactions and personalized experiences within various industries, such as e-commerce, healthcare, and transportation. Fintech companies are partnering with businesses to embed services like payments, lending, and insurance, expanding their reach and transforming traditional business models by creating new revenue streams and improving customer engagement.

Triver is a startup to watch in the field of embedded finance. It redefines small business finance by offering instant capital through Open Banking data and AI models. Its API-first platform seamlessly integrates with digital service providers, enabling diverse industries to provide flexible capital solutions effortlessly.

Procurement Solutions

Procurement solutions streamline business buying. They manage suppliers, sourcing, contracts, and invoices. The use of these tools enhances one's performance, efficiency, supplier collaboration, and cost savings, like a smart buying assistant.

These solutions often incorporate technologies like AI, automation, and data analytics to enhance procurement efficiency, supplier collaboration, and spend visibility. As companies aim to improve operational resilience and adapt to changing market dynamics, fintech-powered procurement solutions provide the necessary tools to make informed procurement decisions, manage risks, and achieve greater agility in sourcing and supplier management.

A great example of this is Okko, which offers a modern procurement approach. With a focus on employees, Okko helps mitigate risk, improve spending control, and accelerate efficiency in procurement processes.


The Fintech industry is constantly evolving, disrupting conventional finance with transformative trends. In this article, we have selected seven key trends to highlight, but the fintech space offers numerous other opportunities for exploration. There is still a significant potential for innovation and growth within this dynamic fintech landscape.

If you're building in the space, feel free to reach out!